Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Super busy weeks!

Oh my oh my. I did not manage to update my blog or twitter for the past few weeks because of my never ending assignments and Korean Language Mid term exams.

Whew..Finally, I submitted my last mid term papers today!!
Time to get some rest for this coming weekend!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[Spring 2011]The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching by me

This was a paper I wrote for my mid term exam. Our professor asked us to write a paper similar to B.F. Skinner in 1954. Since I didn't have time to read his article, so I just wrote based on my own understanding. B.F Skinner wrote a paper with the exact same title in 1954 and after 57 years passed (I wrote this in 2011), I wrote a new one based on my understanding from the course.


One question that most of the instructors always ask themselves starting of each semester is “How can I best teach my subject?” In my opinion, in order to develop or design a quality and effective instruction is not about the question on how to teach but rather is about the nature of learning so this lead to the title of this article which is “The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching”.

Is teaching a Science or an Art? For me, teaching is both science and art. Instructors need to rely not only on research-based theories and principles but also their own knowledge, experience, judgments and decisions based on different context, environment and etc in order to design an effective instruction that not only maximize the learning process of learners but also can achieve the best learning outcome which mean to improve the learner achievement, performance, competency and also the learners satisfaction and also at the same time can engage and motivate the learner in the whole learning process. Since 1950s, ET has been introduced and after almost half a decade, with the introduce of new learning theories, new technologies, new media, new environment and “digital native”, from teacher centric education moving to learner centric and with the invention of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and more to come in new future, what is our future teaching and learning model going to be?

As mentioned before, in order to teach first we should understand the nature of learning. So what is learning? According to Marcy P. Driscoll[1], learning is a persisting change in performance or performance potential that results from experience and interaction with the world and this include behavior and cognitive change. And in ET point of view, learning is closely related to learning theories that started to develop in 1950s. Learning theories attempt to explain how learners learn and in ET field we have seen many learning theories come and go over the years but they are a few that have survived and still influence the design of instruction today, namely: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism. The most prominent learning theory will be the behaviorism theory by B. F. Skinner (1953) and to date its influence is still strong in the field of education especially in kindergarten education, elementary education or language teaching. This theory holds that learning is the result of an event which is stimulus, the reaction to that event, and the consequences for that response. Cognitivism is most often associated with Piaget (1952) was popularized as a response to Behaviorism. Cognitivists faulted Behaviorism for a difficultly in accounting for higher order thinking skills and a lack of focus on the mind in learning. Cognitivists are concerned with "how information is received, organized, stored, and retrieved by the mind on the learners”. For me, cognitivism is closely related to onstructivism. Constructivism is often associated with Vygotsky (1978). For me, both cognitivism and constructivism are overlapping to each other. First, we need to become cognitivist in order to become constructivist. According to Duffy & Jonassen (1992), knowledge is a process of developing understanding of something in a very personal way through situated activity so we cannot assume that two people understand in the same way. Learners create meaning from their own experiences that are separate and different from the meanings developed by others, even those participating in the same experience. Understanding is based not just on current experiences but the aggregate of all experiences, thus each person brings with him/her a cache of experiences that are brought to bear in a particular situation. All the learning theories described above are “The Science of Learning” and from them instructors could briefly know what kind of learning occur during a learning process and this help to design the instruction. After knowing “The Science of Learning” now we should move forwards to “The Art of Teaching”.

What is “The Art of Teaching?” Teaching is like an Art, every instructor has their own way of teaching. The most important factor here is that instructor should translate the learning theories into good and efficient instruction. Instructor should be innovative and creative in preparing the instruction based on their understanding of learning theories, experience, knowledge, different context, environment and learners group and etc. Instructors should not isolate themselves behind the classroom doors and practice their never changing teaching habits. Instructors in 21st century should open their mind and heart to accept new things and to try new things. They should not just teach but also to motivate and engage learners in the whole learning process. There are few factors that instructors should take care before starting to design an instruction such as knowledge and awareness about the diverse backgrounds and pre knowledge of the students or knowledge of the subjects teaching, knowledge on the teaching environment and etc.

After knowing the above mentioned factors, instructor should be creative and willing to use different kind of teaching strategies that can result in effective learning process during instructional design such as they could use some popular strategies such as collaborative learning, accelerated learning, problem-base learning, situational learning, critical thinking and etc based on difference context. According to Dr. Reigeluth, in 21st century teaching environment, instructor’s has changed from the “sage on the stage” to the “guide on the side” and that instructor should become the designer for the project and instructional space, the facilitator of the learning process and also a caring mentor. Instructors no need to perform the entire role in one class but they should choose accordingly base on the class context. There are few actions that instructor can use to support 21st century learners as guide on the side such as engage students’ interests in making connections to the outside world, integrate new learning with students’ prior understandings, uncover students’ misconceptions and replace them with accurate understandings, show the larger landscape of knowledge into which a given concept fits, establish opportunities for students to organize, experience, and apply new concepts, cultivate students’ use of metacognitive strategies and commitment to excellence and etc.

In conclusion, 21st century instructors should not just focus on which theory or strategy is the best to use but instead instructors should apply or even combine difference learning theories and strategies based on different context, learners and environment such as in elementary education, behaviorism and cognitivism should be applied whereas in high school and university all the learning theories can be applied based on different situation and context. Finally, with the ever changing world and technologies, teachers or instructors nowadays should also become a reflective practitioners or learners in order to provide the best teaching and learning process to the learners of 21st century.

[1] Marcy P. Driscoll (2005). Psychology of Learning for Instruction. USA: Pearson Education, Inc

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

[Spring 2011]Reflection Paper 6: Are Communication Theory and Media Theory important in Instructional Design?

After listening to both Communication Theory and Media Theory presentation, I think both of the theories are inter-related or overlapping. But to date according to the two team presenters and Professor Han, these two theories are still quite new or novelty in the field of educational technology. So in this paper I would like to briefly explain again what is communication theory and media theory based on my findings and own understanding and finally to give a discussion on whether both these theories are important in instructional design or not? And if yes, how important it is and how we should apply them into instructional design?

Communication Theory vs. Media Theory

In order to understand what communication theory is, we should first know what is communication? There are lots of different definitions for communication. According to Newman & Summer, communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions by two or more person whereas according to Katz & Khan, it is the exchange of information and transmission of meaning. As defined by Wilbur Schramm, communication is the sharing experiences on the bases of commonness. In addition, lots of scholars such as Aristotle and Plato have termed the process of communication as Rhetoric which explained as from the very beginning communication was seen as a process in which the speaker constructed messages to be transmitted to the receiver to bring about a desired response in his or her receiver and for a effective communication process, communication should included the below three condition which are language, culture and environment. And the three conditions mentioned are almost the same as the Three Views of Media by Meyrwitz(1993) mentioned by Media team in presentation which are media as conduits of contents, language and environment. Besides, if we continue to see the evolution of communication, we could see that the evolution of communication and media are almost the same too except that for communication evolution, instead of starting from printing technology/newspaper, it started from smoke signals/pigeon service/drum beats/letters words or mouth. Other than this, the both communication and media evolution are the same which are from printing technology/newspaper to telegraphy/telephone then towards radio/TV/Cinema then finally computer /internet/web 2.0/mobile device. Communication has been characterized into different types of communication such as intra personal communication, verbal and non verbal communication which we can again sub categorized into interpersonal, group and mass communication. From here again we can see that the relationship of communication and media. Lastly, communication is important for information dissemination, instruction, persuasion, debate and discussion, integration, culture promotion, entertainment, transmission of knowledge, social contact and etc. According to the communication team, there are few models that can explain communication theory such as the Shannon-Weaver Model, the Berlo’s SMCR model, the Schramm interactive model, the campos ecologies of meaning model which could be use in ET based on different learning theories. I agreed that these models could be used in ET but then I think in order to use communication t model maybe we should also think about media theory/model at the same time.

In media theory, there are three important theories that explain what media theory is. First, effects theory that explain what the media does to audiences, second is the uses and gratifications (U&G) which explain what audiences do with the media and finally is the reception theory which explain what audiences do to the media. In effects theory, media may reinforce attitudes through repetition or media could control how the audiences think by keep repeating certain information in media. As for U&G, users of the media use media texts to satisfy certain needs. Whereas reception theory is just the opposite of effect theory and it sees media consumption as active and not passive. All these models could be used together with learning theories in designing an instruction. According to the evolution of media history, as explained above, it is highly related to communication evolution too. So now how can we adopt both these theories into instructional design?

Instructional Design using Communication Theory and Media Theory

In order to develop an effective instruction design, instructors should skillfully adopt both the theories into ID. Why? ID is a two way communication especially in today teaching and learning environment. Instructor should not just provide one way communication which is just to design an instruction that only spoon feed all the information to the learners. Instead instructors should communicate properly with the learners and during ADDIE process, SMCR model should be applied so that both sender and receiver could be analyzed. Sender meaning the teachers or the trainers, instructor should know the characteristic and style of the sender while delivering a course or training in order to design a more effective instruction for the use of the teachers or trainers. During the design and developing process, proper messages and channels should be decided and developed in order to achieve effective communication between both sender and receiver. During this process, Media also play an important role especially in today’s teaching. Instructor should choose a proper media based on the context, environment and learners to be applied into the ID. Instructor should also consider about the learners (receivers) whether they could accept the information effectively (communication) and also to involve the learners into the whole learning process. Finally, as for evaluation, both senders (instructor/SME/teacher) and receivers (learners) should be evaluated to find out whether the use of different media is successful or easy to use for senders and as for receivers whether the media is engaged, motivated and finally increase their performance or not. All these should be evaluated and communicated clearly so that both senders and receivers could learn from the experience and to improve in the future teaching & learning process.


From the discussion above, we could notice that in order to develop an effective ID, instructors should used three models together while designing their ID which are ADDIE from ISD, ASSURE from Media and finally SMCR from Communication. With the combination of three and with the dynamic application of each model based on condition and situation, only an effective ID could be developed and with these it only could benefit the learners. So in conclusion, I would say that both media theory and communication theory are important in instructional design process. So Instructors should adopt these two models into their instructional design process based on their knowledge; skill and experience to provide the most effective learning experience to the learners. Lastly, with the increasing usage of social media in education nowadays, instructors should also apply the difference social media tools in their teaching based on different situation, such as if appropriate, instructors could use Facebook for group discussion since most of the students nowadays have Facebook, twitter for information update, YouTube in teaching to make the teaching and learning process more interesting, computer games or simulation for different subjects to engage and motivate the learners and etc. I believe that if we use technology wisely and not blindly, obviously it will bring more benefits (motivation, engagement, increase achievement and etc) than burden to both the senders (instructor/SME/teacher) and receivers (learners)!


Suchitra Patnail (2008). Communication Concepts, Theories, Models and Processes. Retrieved Jun 5, 2011, from

Geoff Moss (2009). Media Theories. Retrieved Jun 5, 2011, from

Monday, March 5, 2012

[Spring 2011]Reflection Paper 5: Instructional Designer or Human performance Technologist?

During the team presentation on “Human Performance Technology”, I started to think in 21st century, we should be instructional designer or human performance technologist? During the presentation, team 6 defined what is HPT and differentiate between ISD and HPT and finally they listed out the competencies for the new age instructional designer and HPT practitioner. My question here is, so all of us who are studying ET or ISD now, are we instructional designer(ID) or Human Performance Technologist(HPT)? If we are HPT then how can we apply HPT in instructional design?

According to Les Moller, a professor at the Pennsylvania State University suggests that people perform in accordance with the performance technology equation:

Performance = Knowledge + Skill + Opportunity + Effort + Motivation

However according to Lowthert William(1996), when instructional designers start to think themselves as “ ID” then most of them only deal with knowledge and skill so the remaining three factors are addresses separately or regretfully not addressed at all. However according to Lowthert William as a HPT, besides the knowledge and skill that ID should consider, normally HPT will try to address all the factors of the equation during all the process in ADDIE phase.

From the explanation above, we could see that in order to become HPT and not just ID, we should readjust our normal Instructional Design process. During the presentation, team 6 explained on how to perform the performance analysis using troubleshooting model and performance matrix and etc but most of the current HPT models are more applicable towards Human Resource Development instead of teaching and learning in education. And the most critical issues within ID and HPT might be whether should we adopt only human performance technology or we should use both together?

Instructional System Design vs. Human Performance Technology

During the presentation, the team presented the difference of ISD and Human performance Technology which they listed out the differences of goal, activity, analysis, implement and evaluation. From the table again, we could see that HPT focus more on job performance, organizational performance and to analysis the gap of performance. According to ISPI[1], Human Performance Technology (HPT) is a systematic approach to improving productivity and competence. It uses a set of methods and procedures -- and a strategy for solving problems -- for realizing opportunities related to the performance of people. More specific, it is a process of selection, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of programs to most cost-effectively influence human behavior and accomplishment. It is a systematic combination of three fundamental processes: performance analysis, cause analysis, and intervention selection, and can be applied to individuals, small groups, and large organizations. To date, there are lots of different types of ISD models that we could use daily in teaching and training process but as mentioned before, ISD are more focus on the knowledge gaps instead of performance gap. In ISE process, instructors do not care too much on the performance of the learners. However, in 2008, AECT redefined Educational Technology as the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. So from the definition maybe we should rethink whether we should adopt HPT models while designing instruction or not?

The HPT Model

According to ISPI, the HPT process begins with a comparison of the present and the desired levels of individual and organizational performance to identify the performance gap. A cause analysis is then done to determine what impact the work environment (information, resources, and incentives) and the people (motives, individual capacity, and skills) are having on performance.

Once the performance gap and the causes have been determined, the appropriate interventions are designed and developed. These may include measurement and feedback systems, new tools and equipment, compensation and reward systems, selection and placement of employees, and training and development. The interventions are then implemented and the change process managed.

Evaluation is done after each phase of the process. Initially, formative evaluation assesses the performance analysis, cause analysis, intervention selection and design, and intervention and change phases. Then evaluation focuses on the immediate response of employees and their ability and willingness to do the desired behaviors. The final evaluations are centered on improvement of business outcomes (such as quality, productivity, sales, customer retention, profitability, and market share) as well as determining return on investment for the intervention.


Regarding whether we should use HPT or ISD in instruction design, I would like to quote the 2008 ET definition again, since the definition include improving performance, so instead of just using ISD models in designing instruction, I think a hybrid model of the ISD and HPT models should be applied in today’s teaching. Why? Because with just ISD model, we can design a proper instruction to give the learners appropriate knowledge but then we could not know what the performance gap of the learners is. But then with ISD and HPT combine together, then we could not only provide the knowledge but at the same time we could also analyze the performance gap of the learners and later which we could design the instruction accordingly. According to education history, at first, education was designed to train factory workers so most of the ISD models in the early days were just to feed in the skills or knowledge that the learners require and they do not need to be extra good in it or to be out perform. But then nowadays, the world change and now everyone are talking about performance and. Well, for me knowledge is still important because without the knowledge we could not perform. Both knowledge and performance are overlapping each other. However to date, there are not much research or cases reported using HPT in teaching and learning process so I think more researches regarding this field should be conducted such as to validate whether HPT models can be used in teaching and learning process and in which context, learners, contents and environments or we should develop a new HPT model just for instructional design. In addition, how effective HPT in teaching learning process should be investigate too. Finally, instructors should use their knowledge, skill and experience to justify whether they should use HPT together with the ISD models based on different learners, context and environments. I believe that nowadays, most of us regardless whether in company/organization or in school/university are concern on three things which are knowledge, competency and performance! We the ET students should work together forwards to provide a better learning process and learning experience that not only provide knowledge and skills but also to improve the competency and performance of all the learners as defined by AECT regarding ET. So in my opinion, we are not only instruction designer but also human performance technologist! Finally, in my opinion, university is similar to organization so performance is one important criteria especially in university level and based on my own experience, I always find that there are always many smart students who score very well in university but could not perform as good as other average students while they start working? So is our education system just spoon feed all the required information and knowledge but then forgets to teach the learners how to apply in real world or how to face the real world situation which is highly related to performance? If yes, then HPT is important in all levels of education!


Patricia L. Hardré (2003). Beyond Two Decades of Motivation: A Review of the Research and Practice in Instructional Design and Human Performance Technology. Human Resource Development Review, 2 (1), 54-81

William H. Lowthert (1996). Moving from Instructional Technology to Human Performance Technology in the Nuclear Power Industry. Retrieved May 31, 2011, from

[1] International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI),

2012 Spring Semester

Courses taken:

1. Evaluation of E-learning program
2. ET studio I
3. Independence study of New Media Based Learning
4. Effective teaching and Learning: Pedagogy
5. Korean Language Level 3

I kind of looking forward to this semester. It is going to be a busy and fruitful semester I think!

[Spring 2011] Reflection Paper 4: How to improve performance in learning?

During the team presentation on “Improving Performance”, I was always wondering how we can improve the performance of learners in a learning process. In what ways, us the instructors could help the learners to achieve the maximum level of competency and perform to their best.

According to Wikipedia[1], “Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. Education is the art of learning. Learning includes change.” For me, education are divided into three important elements which are instruction that facilitate the learning, teaching which refers to how an instructor impart learning to learners and finally learning where one is taught and how one can acquire the knowledge, skills or abilities that can be applied in everyday life.

Facilitating Learning in order to Improve Performance

As discussed in above, we could see that in education, instruction, teaching and learning are closely co-related to each other. No one can be excluded. And for me, the same happen in improving performance in learning, facilitation learning, instruction, teaching and learning are closely related to each other. Why do I say so?

According to Peter Smith, facilitation can be used with students to help them grow as learners, with graduate students to help them grow as researchers, with committee members to promote team problem solving, and with professional organizations to create effective mission statements and to accomplish strategic objectives. Facilitation involves a mindset of helping others perform by creating growth opportunities and by providing coaching that allows others to take on more ownership and control of their performance. According to him, a facilitated activity should be planned in advance, thoughtfully and efficiently set-up, and managed continuously with an appropriate level of intervention. The facilitator should also provide effective closure. With the paradigm shift from teacher center teaching to learner centered teaching, nowadays in order to improve the performance of learners, many instructors are interested in what Barr & Tagg(1995) introduced, which is to become less of a “sage on the stage” and more of a “guide on the side”. In this new paradigm, facilitation learning become one important factor in the whole teaching and learning process in order to lead to the improvement of performance or competency of learners. Some people might be confused with the difference of performance and competency but I believe that both competency and performance are important in learning process. In my opinion, while one has the competency then he/she could perform better in real life or practically. In order to become a good facilitator in learning, many scholars have developed their own theories and rules. But for me, none of the theories or rules are mandatory instead again instructors should choose the theories and rules wisely and adopt them according to own context and not blindly follow what is written in the books.

Then you might ask, what are the relationship of instruction, teaching and learning in improving performance? Well, in order to improve performance of one learner, instruction is also important. Proper instruction design that based on different context, learner, environment and etc could produce a productive and effective learning experience to the learners. In other words, without proper instruction design which mean without proper use of instructional strategies or proper apply of learning theories, no learning process can be meaningful or effective. Team 5 had presented Improve performance topic and they had stressed technology is one of the most important factor in 21st century teaching, well, that might not be 100% true. If technologies are use wrongly or inappropriately then the whole learning process might not be meaningful but instead it is a waste of time and resources. Nowadays, advancement and the ever changing technologies have made the life of educators become more difficult and uneasy. Not only they need to instruct, teaching, do admin works, do research but also they always need to keep update to the latest technologies in learning. In conclusion, technology can just be an aided tool in teaching and not the main factors that can influence the performance of a learner.

Teaching and Learning, so what is the relationship of these both in improving performance in learning? In 1954, B. F. Skinner wrote an article that entitled “The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching.” From the title of that, we could see how closely learning and teaching are both related. In my opinion, Skinner was trying to elaborate that instructors need to rely not only on research-based theories and principles but also their own knowledge, experience, judgments and decisions based on different context, environment and etc in order to design an effective instruction that not only maximize the learning process of learners but also can achieve the best learning outcome which mean to improve the learner achievement, performance, competency and also the learners satisfaction and also at the same time can engage and motivate the learner in the whole learning process. So, instructors not only need to design a good instruction but at the same time also need to teach with patience. With a good instruction but without good teaching skills, learners will not gain any benefit from the learning process which lead to not meaningful learning process and again lead on to no competency gain and no performance improve.


Finally, I would like to conclude that in order to improve performance of learner, I believe that besides the four factors that I mentioned which are facilitation learning, instruction, teaching and learning are important to improve performance but at the same time, ET experts and students should also try to investigate more on how to motivate and engage the learners in learning process. We should conduct more research regarding this and to validate the model accordingly so that instructors or teachers can use them as a guideline. Why motivate and engage learners are important in improving performance? I believe that, no matter in order to improve performance either organization level or individual learner, the learner self motivation are important and also the feeling of engagement to one learning process is also important. Lastly, I highly believe that with all the factors combine together then only we can improve the performance of learner. Missing either one of the factor will not lead to performance improvement in the learning process!


Peter Smith . Overview of Facilitation. Retrieved May 31, 2011, from

Roger Chevalier. Evaluation: The link between Learning and Performance. Retrieved May 31, 2011, from

[1] Retrieved May 31 ,2011 from

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[Spring 2011] Reflection Paper 3_Revised: A New Learning Framework for 21st century – Extended Version

I was asked by my professor to revise and extend my reflection paper 3. The fact was that all the students were asked either to rewrite or to extend all 3 reflection papers again and I was the only lucky one who just needed to extend one paper among the 3!


In this revise paper, I would elaborate more on what kind of new learning framework that we should has for 21st century education system. As mentioned before in my reflection paper 3, in my opinion there is no one definite learning theory that we can 100% sure that it should be applied in 21st century learning environment but instead I will say that we need a new learning framework which includes all the above learning theories. I gave some examples where ET scholars should not just focus on which theory is the best to use but instead we should try to apply the learning theory based on different context, learners and environment such as in elementary education, behaviorism and cognitivism should be applied whereas in high school and university all the learning theories can be applied based on different situation and context. I believe that there are lots of scholars and researchers in ET fields had conducted lots of experiments to prove and validate different models or theories in different learning condition and learning situation but I found out there is one issue which is to date, there is still no proper guideline for both instructor or teachers on how we can apply the new learning framework in 21st century teaching.

Future of Educational Technology

So what is the future of educational technology? Many ET experts are publishing books on how to integrate technology into education, and last year, the United States, announced their latest National Education Technology Plan which title is Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology[1]. Besides, according to Dr. Charles Reigeluth from Indiana Univeristy, United States, a new paradigm should be developed and introduced for the current education change and Dr. Charles even suggested that a new platform should be developed to adapt into the transformation of education. But to date, we only see there are lots of “presentation”, “talks” and “proposals” on how to change or transform our education but not many success cases/proofs or guidelines are published.

Well, I was asked to provide some guidelines or elaborate more on what is the new learning framework should be looked it. For me this is really not an easy task. Since I am in my 1st semester in ET even though I am a doctoral program student, but then I am still filling up the gaps that I have in ET with my IT background. So I might not be able to give a proper guideline now on how to develop a new learning framework, but then if I am the one who would like to develop a new learning framework, first I will understand the details of all the education technology history, theories and evolution. Then I will suggest a new Instructional Design model which should include not only the senders (instructor/SME/teachers) and receivers (learners) but also parents. Besides, at the same time, I would also look into the learning theories, communication theories, and media theories that can be fitted into the ID model and explained in details. Finally, besides models and theories, the most important things that should be included are real cases either success of failures should be given so that instructors could get a better idea on how to use the new learning framework. For me, most of the ET models or theories books are too “difficult” for teachers or people not from the field to understand so easier version without much jargon should be included.

For the new learning framework, ET experts should do a proper analysis on the use of different technologies or Media in teaching & learning process. Everyone is talking about technology these days in education even most of the national education plan in most of the countries around the world, want to stress technology as one important factor in the coming future for education because the most influence country such as U.S.A is talking about this too but then the problem is if we simply blindly adopt technology into education without considering others factors then I am for sure the newly education system will fail no matter how.

As for the new learning framework that is in my mind, it should be a dynamic model that could suit all people. Or maybe it should not be a framework nor model but instead it should be the combination of all current models and current theories and instructors should just choose based on their knowledge and experience. Instructors should not be boned in a “box”. They should be creative, and should be able to try and use different models and theories in designing instruction and not just bond to the theories or the trends in education. In this case, then I would say, the current teaching system should be change! Current teaching system which is just feeding all the knowledge and information (theories) to the students in the classroom should change to provide and supply more case studies regarding real world to the students so that they could “learn” from the real world cases. Maybe ET department courses should be taught like Business schools where lots of real cases or case studies are studied during the semester and real world situation are simulated in the classes. With this, only the students could learn better and have better understanding on how to apply different models and theories base on different situation and context.


In conclusion, for me, the new learning framework should be the combination of all the current models and theories in Educational Technology field whereas instructors should use them creatively and effectively based on different context, environment, learners, and contents!


DanieA. Craig. (2008). Changing Theories of learning. Retrieved May 20, 2011, from


[Spring 2011]Reflection Paper 3: A New Learning Framework for 21st century

While preparing for our team presentation which talked about “Learning Theories”, since then I start to think what kind of learning theory we should apply to the current education system. Among the 3 most popular learning theories in the field which are behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism, however, I am still thinking whether is there other NEW theory has started to develop base on the NEW learning environment nowadays. According to Dr. Mohamed Ally from Athabasca University, he stated that “The world has changed and become more networked….what is needed now is not a new theory for the digital age, but a model that integrates the different theories to guide the design of online learning materials”. I kind of agree with him so I think, learning theory nowadays should be a learning theory framework that suits the enlightened parents, enthusiastic teachers and autonomous learners of 21st century.

Transformation of education

To date, our education has transformed from formal education which is teacher centric to learner centric and since the existing of Web 2.0, scholars try to focus on constructivism and in 2005, Siemens started a new learning theory which is connectivism. The extension of that meaning now our learning has move from learner centric to connection centric which learners, mentors, content and conversation all connect together to form a learning network.

Learning Theories

Learning theories attempt to explain how learners learn. The field of education has seen many learning theories come and go over the years, but a few have survived and still influence the design of instruction today, namely: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism. Recently, a new set of networked theories of learning have emerged to attempt to address social and technological realities that may influence and even change the ways that we learn. Current popular theories will be briefly described and compared and contrasted with the developing theory of Connectivism (Siemens, 2005). So in this section, I will briefly describe the four theories.

The most prominent learning theory will be the behaviorism theory by B. F. Skinner (1953) and to date its influence is still strong in the field of education especially in kindergarten education, elementary education or language teaching. This theory holds that learning is the result of an event which is stimulus, the reaction to that event, and the consequences for that response. Learners therefore build knowledge through everyday experiences in a trial and error approach to knowledge building and each successful cycle leads to the next.

Cognitivism is most often associated with Piaget (1952) was popularized as a response to Behaviorism. Cognitivists faulted Behaviorism for a difficultly in accounting for higher order thinking skills and a lack of focus on the mind in learning. Cognitivists are concerned with "how information is received, organized, stored, and retrieved by the mind on the learners”. For me, cognitivism are closely related to constructivism.

Constructivism is often associated with Vygotsky (1978). For me, both cognitivism and constructivism are overlapping to each other. First, we need to become cognitivist in order to become constructivist.

According to Duffy & Jonassen (1992), knowledge is a process of developing understanding of something in a very personal way through situated activity so we cannot assume that two people understand in the same way. Learners create meaning from their own experiences that are separate and different from the meanings developed by others, even those participating in the same experience. Understanding is based not just on current experiences but the aggregate of all experiences, thus each person brings with him/her a cache of experiences that are brought to bear in a particular situation and this how connectivism start to develop.

Siemens (2005) establishes Connectivism as a learning theory for the digital age, since previous theories were developed in a time when learning was not impacted by/through technology. Siemens stressed that knowing how to find information is becoming more important than knowing the information. He defines Connectivism as:

Connectivism is the integration of principles explored by chaos, network, and complexity and self-organization theories. Learning is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of shifting core elements – not entirely under the control of the individual. Learning (defined as actionable knowledge) can reside outside of ourselves (within an organization or a database), is focused on connecting specialized information sets, and the connections that enable us to learn more are more important than our current state of knowing.

Connectivism places learning as social process and knowledge as an external entity just like constructivism. However, in a Connectivist framework, learning occurs not just through social interactions, but through interactions with and between networked nodes (people, places, devices, etc.). Hence, while a Constructivist would likely see the network solely as a social medium for interaction, a Connectivist additionally sees the network itself as an extension of the mind (Daniel A.Craig, 2008). Learning is a process of connecting networked nodes and information sources (Siemens, 2005, 2006) to inform individuals’ understanding and application of concepts and processes.

Connectivism is still a new theory for learning and there has been little substantial crictism of the theory. Some argued that connectivism is not a learning theory but rather a view of 21st century skill sets (Verhagen, 2006) and some argue there is no learning process, some argue that a wild transfer of connectivism to school would lead to think that by putting students on net is enough to produce knowledge which is not true (Antonio, 2008) and etc.


From the explanation of learning theories above, in my opinion, there is no one definite learning theory that we can 100% sure that it should be applied in 21st century learning environment but instead I will say that we need a new learning framework which includes all the above learning theories. ET scholars should not just focus on which theory is the best to use but instead we should try to apply the learning theory based on different context, learners and environment such as in elementary education, behaviorism and cognitivism should be applied whereas in high school and university all the learning theories can be applied based on different situation and context. Finally, with the exiting of Web-based learning 2.0, social learning is possible and it seems really easy to fill the “gap” of what you need to know by using knowledge of your network/connections and which also lead to lifelong learning. In this case, connectivism which starts to get attention these days might be a good starting point for ET scholars to investigate, discuss and to find out more on whether we should develop a new Theory that can be applied to 21st century or instead a new Framework that can be mix around using the current learning theories!


Antonio Calvani.(2008). Connectivism: new paradigm or fascinating pot-piurri? Journal of E-learning and Knowledge Society. 4(1), 247-252.

Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A Learning theory fo the digital age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.2 (1).

Siemens, G.(2006). Connectivism: Learning theory or pastime for the self-amused. Elearnspace. Retrieved May 20, 2011, from

DanieA. Craig. (2008). Changing Theories of learning. Retrieved May 20, 2011, from